Klara is a charismatic young artist and snowboarder, impregnated by Love and Nature. Standing at the intersection of many different cultures, she represents a modern blend of flavours from all over the world. Her artwork touches the roots of Life and awakens the spirits of Nature. Purpose and Perceptions are the seeds of the process, where personalities can be converted into illustrations. For those who know about Totem traditions, her drawings are said to treat traumas/illness by mending the soul…
Custom Artwork: Yes
Price range: €€
Delivery time: Short

Hi Klara! Thanks for sharing some words with us. Who are you, and where are you from?
My name is Klara, born in Czech and currently living in Innsbruck. As a young kid from a small town in Czech, I found beauty in all surroundings and outdoor landscapes. As I was growing up, the town became smaller and the eager to see the world took over my soul and I started my journey and traveled the world to snowboard, surf, meet new people and create.
How did your connection to Art all started?
A few years ago I met the beautiful land of Peru. My approach and respect for indigenous cultures started first hand. I have learnt so much about the magic within their culture. Music, art, plants, the importance of the relationship with the Patcha Mama.. Mother Earth.
How would you describe yourself as a person?
I am a free soul.. I love to laugh and share.
What role does the Artist have in society?
The role to communicate authentically the magic of the world filtered through their own eyes.
How would you define beauty in 20 words or less?
Beauty is very subjective to the eye of the beholder, however I believe in expressing my feelings and experiences through art. Beauty is for everyone to feel and embrace.
Have you ever questioned your career entirely?
It is not only doing what you love but taking responsibility for what you love. At some point you will feel scared and it’s natural. Because your art will not belong to you anymore, but to whoever appreciates it. That is where your fear and insecurities lay and it’s normal.
How do you share your Artworks, and where can we see them?
Baguette Boards, tatoos, instagram and designs for my clothing brand mokilife.cz